Wednesday, October 30, 2019

WIPO, Berne, TRIPS, Copyright Law and their Implications for Google Essay

WIPO, Berne, TRIPS, Copyright Law and their Implications for Google - Essay Example Thus all national copyright laws to a greater or lesser extent attempt to balance recognition and enforcement of copyright against broader interests and needs. International copyright law has recognised the need for this balance but the exact nature of the appropriate balance has been contentious. The nature of the balance envisaged in the Berne Convention may well have been different from that envisaged in subsequent legislation and this essay will begin by defining the dimensions of that balance. It will then proceed to consider the changes in international copyright law brought about by the TRIPS Agreement and the WIPO Copyright Treaty to establish whether the balance as now recognised in international copyright law is different from that originally recognised by the Berne Convention. Article 13 of TRIPs illustrates the essence of the Berne Convention and TRIPs, which is that the copyright holder's rights cannot be derrogated from except in special circumstances in the public interest. However, the test is very strict whereby the rights of the artist are paramount in the Berne Convention where it it widely accepted that the copyright holder and the artist was one and the same. ... copyright holder is frequently not the artist because the caopyrights are owned by the employer, agent or company that commissions the individual's work. Therefore TRIPs focuses on the economic rights of the copyright holder and ignores the moral rights of the artist. Public interest rights in both of these conventions are ignored except for the cases of academic interest. It is not deemed as important that communal and indigenous rights should be protected or materials that are valuable to the development of the greater good of the community. This is especially so in the developing countries, where licenses and permissions for copyrighted material need to be obtained to educate and fund the development of their citizenry. The WIPO Copyright Treaty in many ways has been introduced to protect public interest rights and limit the copyright holder's rights, but in a balance with the moral rights of the artist. It still focuses too much on economic rights, but it is a move in the right d irection. "Libraries will continue to play a critical role in ensuring access for all in the information society. Properly functioning national and international networks of library and information services are critical to the provision of access to information. Traditionally, libraries have been able to provide reasonable access to the purchased copies of copyright works held in their collections. However, if in future all access and use of information in digital format becomes subject to payment, a library's ability to provide access to its users will be severely restricted."1 Intellectual Property needs to understand that there are public interest rights as it deals with a variety of areas, stemming from inventions through to ideas and artistic writings and pictures. In relation to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care Essay Psychologists uses a range of perspectives and approaches when studying how individuals think, feel and behave. Some researchers may focus on one specific perspective, whilst other researchers study a more diverse approach that may incorporate multiple points of views. Each perspective aims to offer explanations for different aspects of human behaviour. The behaviourist approach’s influence to health care The behaviourist approach is based on the concept of explaining behaviour through observation and the belief in which our environment is what causes us to behave differently. The behavioural learning model learning is the result of conditioning. The foundation of conditioning is that a reward following a desirable response performs as a reinforcer and increases the possibility that the desirable response will be repeated. Reinforcement is said to be the core of the behaviourist approach. Furthermore, once a desired behaviour established, irregular reinforcement maintains the behaviour. The behaviourist theory approaches are frequently used in weight loss, smoking cessation, assertiveness training and anxiety-reduction programs. The significance of frequently and consistently rewarding desired behaviour immediately and not rewarding undesirable behaviour is crucial to the success of a behaviourist approach to learning. The principles of classical conditioning have been applied in many therapies. As its name suggests, behavioural therapy is focused on human behaviour and looks to eliminate unwanted or abnormal behaviour. Typically this type of therapy is used for those with behavioural problems or mental health conditions that involve unwanted behaviour. Examples of this include: addictions, anxiety, and methodical desensitization for phobias, aversion therapy and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Practitioners of behavioural therapy believe that behaviour is learned and can therefore be un-learned through therapy. As well as the behaviour  itself, behavioural therapists will look at thoughts and feelings that lead to the behaviour or occur as a result of the behaviour to comprehend the issue at a greater level. Aversion therapy is a form of treatment that utilizes behavioural principles to eliminate unwanted behaviour as it follows, if all behaviour is learned it can be unlearned. In this therapeutic method, the unwanted stimulus is repeatedly paired with discomfort. The objective of the conditioning process is to command that the individual associates the stimulus with unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations. There are many reasons why behaviour could perhaps be unlearned; this could be due to behaviour in which is destructive or undesirable. These undesirable behaviours come about as individuals associate them with pleasure; the brain learns that, such as, drinking may allow one to feel relaxed a lowers stress levels. This is somewhat fine, however if one becomes reliant on the substance and it begins to take a dominant part in one’s life then this has become an undesirable behaviour. It is one’s choice to unlearn that alcohol equals pleasure. Aversion therapy goes about eliminating this behaviour by attempting to break the association between alcohol and pleasure. The therapy, in the case of alcoholism, involves the patient drinking while together having a negative stimulus directed. The negative stimulus could be an emetic drug (one that causes the patient to vomit when drinking alcohol) such as an emetic drug, one that encouraging vomiting when alcohol is consumed like disulfiram (a synthetic compound used in the treatment of alcoholics to make drinking alcohol produce unpleasant after-effects), or an electric shock administered whenever the patient drinks. In short, then he patient is punished for drinking and, for the same reason a parent punishes a child, a successful outcome is to reduce or completely eliminate their undesirable behaviour. The cognitive approach’s influence to health care Cognitive therapy for depression has its roots in the cognitive theory of depression (Beck, 1967). It is an active, structured, problem-focused, and  time-limited approach to treatment which is based on the premise that depression is maintained by negatively biased information processing and dysfunctional beliefs. Treatment is designed to help patients learn to think more adaptively and thereby experience improvements in affect, motivation, and behaviour. The effectiveness of cognitive therapy for depression has been demonstrated in over 30 clinical trials (Dobson, 1989). The general approach in cognitive therapy for depression involves guiding patients through a number of structured learning experiences. Patients are taught to monitor and write down their negative thoughts and mental images to recognize the association between their thoughts, feelings, physiology, and behaviour. They learn to evaluate the validity and utility of these cognitions, test them out empirically, and change dysfunctional cognitions to reflect a more adaptive viewpoint. As therapy progresses, patients learn to identify, evaluate, and modify underlying assumptions and dysfunctional beliefs that may have predisposed them to depressive reactions. The therapist also teaches (or reactivates) adaptive coping skills such as breaking down large problems into smaller, more manageable steps, and decision-making by cost-benefit analysis. Activity scheduling, self-monitoring of mastery and pleasure, and graded task assignments are commonly used early in therapy to help patients overcome inertia and expose themselves to potentially rewarding experiences. Patients typically require approximately eight sessions to gain a reasonable level of mastery with the model and the skills involved. A significant reduction in symptoms often occurs during this initial stage of therapy. The remaining sessions are used to evaluate and modify dysfunctional beliefs that impair functioning and make the patient vulnerable to future depressive episodes, build relapse prevention skills, and discuss termination issues. According to my research, many patients show a remission of symptoms in 8-12 sessions. A full course of treatment is considered to be 14-16 sessions although severe cases can take longer. Maintenance of treatment gains is enhanced by occasional booster sessions during the first year after one’s termination. The humanistic approach’s influence to health care Humanist learning theorists view learning as a function of the whole person and believe that learning cannot take place unless both the cognitive and affective domains are involved. The individual’s capacity for self-determination is a vital segment of the humanist theory. For example, the humanist theory is used to help post myocardial infarction (a syndrome that involves the inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart); patients regain a sense of personal control over their health care management. The focus of the humanistic perspective is on the self of one individual which translates into you, and your perception of your individual experiences. This approach argues that one is free to choose his own behaviour, rather than responding to environmental stimuli and reinforcers. Issues dealing with one’s self-esteem, self-fulfilment, and requirements are seen as dominant. The key focus is to assist one’s personal development. Two major theorists associated with this view are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. All patients grow with success and do better when achievements are recognized and reinforced. Respecting the whole person in a supportive environment can encourage learning. Learning is also fostered through structuring information appropriately and presenting it in meaningful segments with appropriate feedback. There are a vast variety of conditions that should be encountered before an individual can develop on becoming self-actualized. According to the ‘needs hierarchy’ described by Abraham Maslow, individuals must first secure their basic organismic needs (including adequate food, clothing and shelter necessary to keep them alive). Having achieved the essentials, they next build up and work to achieve: a feeling of adequate safety, a sense of belonging (to one or more social groups and relationship), and a sense of self-respect and social respect. Self-actualization, the drive for one to do all that he desires to do with his life, is something that only occurs as a influence of behaviour after all the earlier needs are adequately satisfied and a state of contented happiness is achieved. For instance, the media create unrealistic, and for most individuals  unattainable ‘ideal’ image, especially for women and adolescent girls. The majority of models exposed publicly are greatly below the ‘normal’ weight for their age and height. In the humanistic vision, human dysfunctions are caused by a faulty or interrupted development process; essentially human issues regarding to immaturity, or commonly of the social/emotional variety. The aim of humanistic therapy is to promote social or emotional maturity and growth. Through assisting service user’s to resume their disrupted developmental processes in healthy directions, patients are helped by professionals in order to grow up and out the of the immature mental and emotional states that contribute to the pain one may feel or cause pain upon others. The psychodynamic approach to health care Anxiety is a feeling of worry, extreme nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. The condition gives of an uncomfortable feeling of fear or an approaching disaster and could perhaps negatively reflects the thoughts and bodily reactions an individual may encounter when presented with a situation that is unable to be managed. When an individual experiences the feelings of anxiety, their thoughts may often actively assess the different situations without intentionally doing so; the individual may too develop predictions of how they will cope founded on past experiences. Despite the fact that some anxiety is a normal response to difficult and stressful circumstances, whereas the anxiety level is abnormally high an individual may lack the awareness of how to effectively control the issue. Anxiety can take many forms, and several of these may consist of: An intense physical response due to the arousal of the nervous system leading to the physical symptoms (which may involve the racing of a heartbeat). A cognitive response referring to the thought about the issue and the individuals ability to manage with it. Those which encounter the condition of anxiety may often feel negative about most situations and think unenthusiastic thoughts. A behavioural response which could consist avoidance or unusual behaviour including aggression, restlessness or  irrational behaviour. An emotion response reflecting the high level of distress the individual is confronted with. There is just not one cause of anxiety, however there are a number of factors that could contribute to the development of anxious thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The many factors comprise of: Hereditary many research has suggested that those with a family history of anxiety are more likely to also develop anxiety. Biochemical reasons Research suggests that individuals who experience a high level of anxiety may have an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that regulate feelings and physical reactions. Certain life experiences Particular life experiences can allow individuals more vulnerable to anxiety. Events such as a family break-up, abuse, ongoing bullying, and/or workplace conflict can be stress factors that challenge a persons coping resources and leave them in a vulnerable state to experiencing anxiety. References: Euromed Info [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 19/01/15) Cognitive-behavioural approaches and weight management: an overview. (2000) [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 19/01/15) Cognitive Therapy for Depression [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 19/01/15) What Is Aversion Therapy? (2015) [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 09/02/15] DEPRESSION: MAJOR DEPRESSION UNIPOLAR VARIETIES (2015) [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 09/02/15) Humanistic Approach (2015) [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 09/02/15] Theory in Humanistic Psychology [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 11/02/15] Psychotherapy (2015) [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 11/02/15] Aversion Therapy Alcoholism Drug Therapy (2013) [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 11/02/15]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Letter to President Jackson :: writing letters

Dear President Jackson,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir, I have been meaning to write to you recently. I am truly devoted to your beliefs on how to treat our growing nation. Currently, I am a Senator for the State of NJ, and I feel strongly confident that you will lead us to a stronger and better nation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reason that I have felt the urge to write this letter to you persists to the formation of your spoils system. I am writing this letter to compliment you on your great accomplishment. Your spoils system gives many â€Å"common people† a spot in the national government. Along with you, I believe that this system is more democratic, and it fits our country just right. As you may already know, there have been many critic reviews posing against this system of yours. They believe that many qualified men aren’t getting a fair chance in the government. To reassure you, I believe that you are advancing with the necessary steps needed, and you will prevail amongst our people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. Jackson, I would also like to state that I thoroughly agree with this statement of yours, which pronounces, â€Å"The duties of all public officers are†¦so plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily qualify themselves for their performance.† This statement has led me to ask you this question, â€Å"If you like to reward only common people spots in the government, why have kept Van Buren?† If it is possible, please reply to this question and your letter. Besides the question mentioned above, I would like to compliment you once again for a job well done for our democracy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sodium Thiosulphate & Acid :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Sodium Thiosulphate & Acid Planning To ensure that this experiment is safe, I have taken some precautions. I wore goggles at all times, made sure not to spill any chemicals such as the acid onto skin or clothes, and to be aware of glass. I have used various different apparatus, including two measuring cylinders, one 25ml, and the other 50ml. I used a 150ml chronicle flask and a stopwatch. Here is a few diagrams of these apparatus. What I Will Vary, Not Change To Keep A Fair Test & What I Will Observe & Measure I will vary the amount of Sodium Thiosulphate (10-50ml), but keeping the same amount of Hydrochloric Acid (25ml) to make it a fair test. Also when I vary the amount of Sodium Thiosulphate, I will always keep the same total volume of the mixture, therefore topping it up to 75ml every time. I will be observing the reaction of the two chemicals, and measure how quickly the sulphur is produced. I will also keep the start temperature the same. What Will I Try To Find Out I am going to find out how long it takes for Sodium Thiosulphate ( ) to react wit Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) to produce Sulphur so you can no longer see through it (opaque). To do this I will use paper with writing on, and wait until I can no longer read it, because the solution will turn 'milky.' My Prediction The stronger the solution, therefore the more Thiosulphate particles, the quicker the reaction because; there will be more particles in the solution to react with the Hydrochloric Acid, with a bigger percentage chance of reacting/hitting it. This is because if there is more particles in the total substance of 75ml, there is less surface area free. Twice the amount of particles, in the same total volume, means twice the chance of collision therefore in theory half the time on reaction, due to a high concentration. This is the 'Collision Theory.' This means that my overall prediction is that when the strongest amount of Sodium Thiosulphate is added to the Hydrochloric Acid, it will react faster. This also, proved above means that I will not need to add water, so preventing dilution. Diagram Proving Prediction Method 1. Measure out 25ml of Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl) - keep the same every time. 2. Measure out the needed amount of Sodium Thiosulphate ( ) in a cylinder 3. Pour ( ) into a chronicle flask 4. Place paper with writing on under flask 5. Add Hcl, as soon as it mixes with the ( ), start the stopwatch 6. As soon as the solute has finished reacting, and the writing is no

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sambian Partners : Why Are We Losing All Our Good People

Why Are We Losing All Our Good People Background: Sambian Partners founded by Peter Gasbarian in1975. Gasbarian idea was to build top notch architecture and engineering firm. Helen Gasbarian took charge of Sambian Partners as CEO in1997. The case begins with the resignation of Tom Forsythe, an assistant director. Mary Donillo, the head of human resources was opposed to Tom's decision. According to Adrienne Perle, one of the engineers at Sambian Partners people was quite unhappy. When this came into light, Mary Donillo asked her opinion regarding the current situation at the firm and from here she came to know the dissatisfaction among the employees with the current working conditions, mainly from the higher-ups in the organization. The CEO Helen Gasbarian makes decision of promoting Adrianne to a supervisor position. At this, anger rose among other employees who are more qualified but were not promoted. The junior employees were in an opinion that they could make their mark by leaving the company and work on interesting jobs. Mary decides to carry out an employee survey. She designed open ended questions to get an accurate snapshot of the current scenario the company is facing. But the questions prove to be quite mixed. Employees were giving feedback by leaving. Clearly, they feel that more direct forms of feedback will go unheeded. Helen needs to find the root cause of why employees don't trust the company or don't care enough about the company to improve it. Purpose:- To find the reason for the talent drain. Proposed recommendation:- * To provide a forum where employees can speak openly about their discontent without fear of repercussions. (Grievance Management)[2] Methodology:- We have used business school approach, literature case study method, to study the case and give the recommendation. Findings on evidence:-Evidence: -â€Å"Why are we losing all our good people†, Edward E. Lawler III Harvard Business Rev. June 2008 Nov. Author ;Date| Population ; type oforganization| Design| Measures| Outcome| Comment| Rene Schalk, Wim Van Dijk| Conceptual paper| Dutch health care| Concept of employees' psychological contracts with their organization  |   Integrate employee commitment and quality management  | Quality fails when the system fails| T. N. Krishnan| Research paper| Indian organizations| Study carried on the employees| Valuable workplace| Understanding employment relationship| Lisa A. Steelman, Kelly A. Rutkowski| Research paper| Multinational company| Recipient's willingness to change his or her behavior| Motivated to improve job performance| Credible feedback | Carley Foster, Khanyapuss Punjaisri, Ranis Cheng| Conceptual paper| Multinational company| Employees' attitudes and behaviors| Closer alignment between the employees' values and those of the corporate brand| Synergized to achieve a strong, consistent corporate brand| Manuel London | General review| Multinational company| Interviews with bosses of young first-line managers| Encouraging individual contribution and personal growth| Career motivation| Karien Stadler| Research paper| Saudi Arabian mining company| Sample of 59 executives and senior managers| Talent reviews in the identification, development and retention of potential employees| Company's growth strategy| Thomas N. Garavan|   Literature review| Irish firms| Study of career development practices| Promote career development within the organization| Focusing on the role of the line manager, HRM specialist and the general design of career development systems within an organization| Conclusion:- In the case â€Å"Why are we losing all our good people† we can observe that there is a need of a platform where employees can came out with their discontentment and grievances regarding their working conditions. According to the evidence, Hal's news comes as a shock to Mary. â€Å"Are we part of the problem? † thought Mary as Hal describes the scene he just saw moments earlier. At this moment, a decision must be made: does the company asks its employees to take a job satisfaction survey, or does Mary stop the problem in its tracks by confronting Adrianne directly? The CEO and Mary decide to choose the later, ask Adrianne what is on her mind. After idle conversation the question is asked, â€Å"Is Tom Forsythe talking to you? And are these rumors true? After a few awkward minutes, the truth is reviled. No, Tom is not talking to Adrianne, but she is quite simply unhappy with the current working conditions, mainly from the higher-ups in the organization. Final decision:- From the above evidence we say that Sambian should establish an open-door policy so that employees know that they can talk to someone above their supervisors if they have a complaint. Helen must personally guarantee that feedback will be taken seriously. The employees might be experiencing an imbalance between work and life. The corporate culture should be clearly defined and the employees surveyed should analyze how far they are separated from the same. The employees also felt that there were inadequate career opportunities where they can grow. There was lack of recognition to their higher order needs. Jean Martin, executive director of the Corporate Leadership Council, gave the professional opinion of this article. According to her advice, the issue does not fall on â€Å"what† Mary is asking; it is â€Å"How† she asks it. It will be a harmful for a company when large groups of employees are migrating from it. In such situations, managers will be blamed. Not because they are doing a bad job and they failed to foresee this issue. But as a manager, it is important that they should conduct â€Å"audits† to make sure that their employees are happy. This is known as a â€Å"culture audit. â€Å"[1] It can prove be an effective way to combat these issues. Hence, a robust and clear HR processes is required to make these policies work within the company. References:- 1. Rene Schalk, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance   2. T. N. Krishnan, Employee Relations  ,2011 , Vol. 33, Issues: 5 3. Manuel London, Journal of Management Development  , 1986Volume: 5  Issue: 3 4. http://www. emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? issn=0967-0734&volume=18&issue=3&articleid=1864041&show=abstract 5. http://www. emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? issn=0967-0734&volume=18&issue=7 6. http://blcdocs. cox. smu. edu

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Solar Fan Cap Essay Essay Example

Solar Fan Cap Essay Essay Example Solar Fan Cap Essay Paper Solar Fan Cap Essay Paper Abstraction This survey aimed to establish out if solar power can power a fan which can alleviate heat from the caput by the usage of a cap. The energy solar power to chemical energy which is stored in the batteries to weave energy which is the fan to assist alleviate heat in the organic structure. The feasibleness of a solar fan cap made from cap as a base. solar panels from reckoners. and a CPU fan. The cap was cut in the forepart to put the fan and the solar panels were placed in the uppermost part of the cap. Introduction A solar fan cap can be built from a cap. solar panels and a CPU fan. The individual will utilize the chapeau in the hot afternoon and bend on the fan for the person’s comfortasbility. The solar panels will bear down the batteries and the batteries will power the fan. This undertaking can be easy built by a normal individual you merely necessitate some clip and a good budget. This solar power is an interesting survey in the field of scientific discipline. We have studied this for about two months. 1. Solar Panels: These panels were used to capture light photons and transform it to electricity.2. Energy Transmission: Solar Energy to Wind Energy3. Renewable Energy: Solar Power Aim General Objective: This survey aims to happen out if the Sun is plenty to power our day-to-day demands and be efficient plenty to power the fan which can alleviate emphasis. Scope and Restrictions This survey was conducted for about 2 months. Development of solar energy stuffs were continued in order to be more efficient in the hereafter. It is limited to the handiness of the Sun beams and light photons. This undertaking is really simple for us pupils because new is in. So we like to contrive new engineering and plan new type of merchandises for singularity. This cap can be repurpose from fan cap to charger which can bear down our day-to-day appliances such as cellular telephones. tablets and bet oning devices. It needs a small betterment for its lastingness and length of service. Review of Related Literature Solar energy. beaming visible radiation and heat from the Sun. has been harnessed by worlds since antediluvian times utilizing a scope of ever-evolving engineerings. Solar energy engineerings include solar warming. solar photovoltaics. solar thermic electricity and solar architecture. which can do considerable parts to work outing some of the most pressing jobs the universe now faces. Solar engineerings are loosely characterized as either inactive solar or active solar depending on the manner they capture. convert and administer solar energy. Active solar techniques include the usage of photovoltaic panels and solar thermic aggregators to tackle the energy. Passive solar techniques include pointing a edifice to the Sun. choosing stuffs with favourable thermic mass or light scattering belongingss. and planing infinites that of course circulate air. MethodologyMaterials/Equipment 1. Cap ( any type but harder vizor is recommended )2. Solar Panels ( from reckoners )3. CPU fan Procedure: 1. Cut the forepart vizor harmonizing to the size of the fan.2. Put the fan in the forepart vizor utilizing a hot gum.3. Attach the Solar Panels in the uppermost part of the cap.4. Connect the panels in a series connexion. ( This will increase the electromotive force which will flux to the fan increasing its revolutions per minute or velocity )5. Connect the positive and negative lines to the fan and switch that will modulate the power. Consequences and Discussions After the undertaking is done. We tested it. The consequences were non great as we expected it look. The solar panels were bear downing fast but the fan’s revolutions per minute is a small spot slow but there is a flow of air in my caput. If I am sweaty adequate I would be glad if I had that sort of Equipment which is portable and double intent which makes it more interesting. Decisions Our hypothesis was right. Thou it merely produced a little sum of air flow. But in a hot conditions it can be utile. Most people will be amazed by this merchandise and seek its effectivity. Because surprisingly where did you see a chapeau with a fan powered by the Sun.

Monday, October 21, 2019

CHAPTER 32 Essays - United States, Government, Bush Family

CHAPTER 32 Essays - United States, Government, Bush Family CHAPTER 32 A TIME OF HOPE AND FEAR, 1993 - 2014 Chapter Outline I.The Politics of Polarization, 1993-2008 A.A New Democrat B.The Investigation and Trial of a President C.The Long Election and Trials of 2000 D.A Conservative Washington, 2001-2008 E.Politics and Social-Cultural Issues II.Foreign Policies of Hope and Terror: 1993-2008 A.Clinton's Internationalist Agenda B.Globalization C.Protecting the Planet D.September 11, 2001, and the Bush Doctrine E.Unilateralism and the Iraq War F.National Security and Presidential Power G.Divisions over Foreign Policy Direction III.An Economy of Bubble and Bust, 1993-2008 A.Deregulation of the Financial Sector during the 1990s B.Economics for a New Century, 2000-2006 C.The Bubble Bursts, 2006-2008 D.The Election of 2008 IV.Changing Times, 2009- A.Political Polarization B.The Digital Domain of Liberty, Equality, Power C.The Election of 2012 D.Contentious Times Chronology 1993Congress approves North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1994Republicans gain control of Congress; O.J. Simpson saga begins 1996Congress overhauls national welfare system; Clinton reelected president; Fox News debuts 1997Congress and White House agree on deficit reduction plan 1998House of Representatives impeaches Clinton 1999Senate Trial ends with Clinton's acquittal 2000Bush v. Gore decision clears way for George W. Bush to become president 2001Congress passes Bush tax cut; Terrorists from al-Qaeda destroy World Trade Center and attack Pentagon; Congress passes Patriot Act; U.S. forces invade Afghanistan 2002National Security Strategy of 2002 reasserts the Bush Doctrine 2003Bush secures another tax cut; United States invades Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein government 2004Bush defeats Kerry in presidential race; Facebook debuts at Harvard 2005Hurricane Katrina hits Gulf Coast; YouTube goes online; Insurgency in Iraq continues as permanent Iraqi government debuts 2006Democrats gain control of Congress; Housing "bubble" reaches its peak 2007New U.S. strategy adopted in Iraq; Housing "bubble" bursts 2008Bush administration and Federal Reserve Board respond to financial meltdown; Great Recession, worst since 1930s, begins; Barack Obama wins presidential race 2009Obama administration passes economic stimulus plan; United States devotes more resources to war in Afghanistan while withdrawing from Iraq 2010Republicans surge at national, state and local levels in elections of 2010 2011A White House-ordered, CIA-directed raid into Pakistan by U.S. Navy SEALs kills Osama bin Laden in early May 2012Facebook begins offering stock shares to the public; Barack Obama reelected president 2014Midterm elections Lecture Outline 1.Finding a consensus to govern was difficult 1993-2008 because legislative moderates, Democrats and especially Republicans, had a hard time remaining in office as the politics of polarization came to the dominate the federal agenda. a.Bill Clinton's "new Democrat" rhetoric and adroit political maneuvering helped him become the first two-term Democrat president, 1992-2001, since Franklin D. Roosevelt. b.The triumph of Clinton's reelection in 1996 was tempered by his impeachment two years later because of his denial of a sexual tryst with a White House intern. In the end, the investigation and trial of a president failed to obtain a conviction on any count. c.The long election of 2000 was mired in controversy and trials. Although Gore won the popular vote, Bush officially won the election weeks later after the U.S. Supreme Court resolved disputed Florida's electoral votes in his favor. d.George W. Bush quickly established a conservative Washington, 2001-2008, with an ambitious agenda of tax cuts, support for fossil fuels, new testing standards in public education, and a new drug plan for Medicare. e.There was little common ground in politics on many social-cultural issues including hot button topics of immigration and gay marriage. 2.Foreign policy, 1993-2008, changed course from hope in the post-Cold War Clinton years, to terror in the Bush administration following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on New York's World Trade Center, Washington, D. C., and Pennsylvania. a.Clinton's internationalist agenda saw him employ U.S. forces under the United Nations in Somalia and NATO in Yugoslavia. Critics said he lacked a clear vision for using force while defenders argued he was flexible and engaged with multinational support. b.Clinton fulfilled a principal goal of lowering trade barriers and expanding globalization of markets, most prominently with NAFTA. c.Clinton's efforts at protecting the planet produced a broad expansion of protected land and recognition that the United States, despite its many regulations, was one of the world's leading polluters. d. The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 resulted in the creation of the Bush Doctrine in which the United States claimed unilateral authority to wage preemptive war. e.The unilateralism of the Bush Doctrine was employed against Iraq because Bush claimed that country presented

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Communicate With Special Education Parents

How to Communicate With Special Education Parents The best way to avoid crises with parents or even, heaven forbid, due process, it’s good to have regular communication methods in place. If parents know you are open to hearing their concerns, you can nip any potential misunderstandings that lead to a crisis in the bud. Also, if you communicate regularly when you do have concerns about problem behaviors or a child in crisis, parents won’t feel blindsided. Find Out How a Parent Prefers to Communicate If a parent doesn’t have email, that won’t work. Some parents only have email at work, and may not want to receive messages by email. Some parents may prefer phone calls. Find out what are good times for a phone message. A traveling folder (see below) is a great means of communications, and parents may just prefer to respond to your messages in a notebook in one pocket. Parents Are Stressed Some parents may be embarrassed about having children who need services- for some parents parenting is a competitive sport. Some special education children are poorly organized, extraordinarily active, and do poorly at keeping their rooms clean. These children can stress parents out. Another issue for parents of special education children is that they often feel that no one sees the value of their child because of their challenges. These parents may feel the need to defend their child when you really just want to share a concern or work out a mutually agreeable solution. Don’t Play the Blame Game If these children weren’t challenging, they probably wouldn’t need special education services. Your job is to help them succeed, and you need their parents’ help to do it. Make Your First Email or Phone Call a Positive One Call with something positive you want to tell the parent about their child, even if it’s â€Å"Robert has the greatest smile.† After that, they won’t always pick up your emails or phone calls with dread.  Keep records.  A communication form in a notebook or file would be helpful. Handle your parents with TLC (tender loving care) and you will usually find allies, not enemies. You will have difficult parents, but I will discuss them elsewhere. Email Email can be a good thing or an opportunity for trouble. It is easy for email messages to be misunderstood since they lack the tone of voice and body language, two things that could assure parents that there is not some hidden message. It is good to copy your building administrator, your special education supervisor or a partner teacher all of your emails. Check with your special education supervisor to find out who he or she would like to see receive the copies. Even if they never open them, if they store them, you have a backup in case of a misunderstanding. It is especially important to email your supervisor or building principal a heads up if you see trouble with a parent brewing. Phone Some parents may prefer a phone. They may like the immediacy and the sense of intimacy created by a telephone call. Still, there is potential for misunderstanding, and you never know exactly what frame of mind they are in when you call. You can set up a regular phone date, or just call on special occasions. You might save this for just good news, since other kinds of calls, especially calls involving aggression, may put parents on the defensive since they haven’t’ had a chance to prepare for it. If you leave a message, be sure you say Bob ( or whoever) is fine. I just need to talk (ask a question, get some information, share something that happened today.) Please call me at . . . Be sure to follow up a phone call with an email or a note. Restate briefly what you talked about. Keep a copy. Traveling Folders Traveling Folders are invaluable for communication, especially on completed projects, papers or tests. Usually, a teacher will designate one side for homework and the other for completed assignments and the communication folder.  Often a daily Home Note can be included.  It can be part of your behavior management plan as well a means to communicate. It is still good to save copies of parent’s notes, or even both sides of the conversation, so you can share them with an administrator should you see trouble coming down the pike. You might want to either put a plastic insert with a list of what should come home each night and directions for how to complete the folder or staple the same to the front cover of the folder. You will find parents will be pretty good at packing this folder in the child’s backpack. Stay In TouchRegularly However you decide to communicate, do it on a regular basis, not just when a crisis arrives. It might be nightly, for a communication folder, or perhaps weekly for a phone call. By keeping in touch, you not only can share concerns, but you will be eliciting the support of parents in reinforcing the good things you want to see happen for their child.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hustle As Strategy by Amar Bhide in Harvard Business Review Essay

Hustle As Strategy by Amar Bhide in Harvard Business Review September-October(critical review of the article) - Essay Example (Porter, 2004). Author therefore seems to have taken a narrow view of how organizations can actually just rely on their own resources to gain competitive advantage and give less consideration to what competition is doing. Porter however, claims that operational efficiency is not the strategy though Porter believes that it is necessary but not the sufficient condition.(Porter, 1996). Author however, seem to have taken a view that operational effectiveness can actually materialize into successful strategy. Debating strategy from this perspective therefore can be considered as important because this is where strategy is actually directly linked with the maximization of the profits. (Davies, 2000). Author however, seem to differ by offering an indirect suggestion towards the use of differentiation as one of the (Porter, 1989) Such approach toward strategy therefore outlines that strategy is not just limited to understanding and exploring how to leverage the organizational resources in or der to compete effectively. (Speed, 1989). Within this perspective the debate presented in this article points out that strategy should be of evolutionary nature where only such strategies will survive which can produce best results. The author has given different examples of financial institutions where the international firms continued to re-evaluate their strategies in order to fit them according to what is working best. (Elfring, and Volberda, 2011) The evolutionary approach towards the strategy outlines that firms cannot withstand the competition but rather focus on developing their competencies in order to successful evaluate and challenge the competition. This also outlines that the firms must continue to focus upon the use innovative tools and techniques to successfully challenge the competition. (Henderson, 2007). This approach also outlines that the author has taken a broader view of how the firms can actually use their core competencies in order to compete. This thought o n strategy suggests that once the firms take care of developing their core competencies and resources, competition matters less to them. (Morden, 2007). These core competencies often translate into the competitive advantages for the firms and the firms resultantly develop into stronger and innovative organizations. It is also critical to understand that the firms pursuing such strategy must not be complacent and continue to evolve themselves according to the external situation. As such the link between the organizational strategies as well as the external environment is critical and the author has suggested the same. Overall, the author seems to have presented an evolutionary school of strategy for firms in this article. 2) One of the most important strengths of this article is based upon the fact that the author has produced a relatively different and fresh approach towards the strategy. By outlining different practical examples from financial services industry, author has critical ly offered a glimpse into how the managers think and evaluate their options before taking on any action. As such it is important for the managers to consider different aspects of the strategy making before it can actually be materialized. (Pretorius, & Maritz, 2011). What is unconvincing however is the fact that the author has just focused upon the financial service

Friday, October 18, 2019

-How did the experience of colonialism affect Latin American Essay

-How did the experience of colonialism affect Latin American development and was this overcome with independence - Essay Example Independence of the once colony regions dictates the process in which the country will eventually develop (Brown & Paquette, 2013, p 19). In some extends, independence actively pushes the region towards positive development whereas in other scenarios, it retards the development, plunging the region into a world of chaos. This study leads towards understanding the impacts of colonization and influence of independent in postcolonial Latin America. The origin of the term Latin America is itself an illustration of the influence of colonialism in the southerner region of America. The region got the name from the establishment that its colonizing powers were the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. The region encompasses present day countries such as the islands of Suriname, Jamaica, Haiti and Guyana, as well as, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay and southern part of the United States (Andrien, 2002, p 67). Before the arrival of these influential powers from Europe, the region in the 15th and early 16th centuries consisted of virtually indigenous people. Additionally, it is notable that the region had vastly advanced civilizations, although not to the sophistication level as was the European countries at the time. Some of the notable cultures regarded as advanced include the Aztec, Inca and Maya cultures, and origins of the people. However, through the processes of arrival of the foreigners who later colonized the region, it underwent several changes, experiences, and consequences, emerging as the Latin America region (Galeano & Belfrage, 1998, p 87). The impacts and influences of the colonial period on the region are vast. Additionally, the year also formulated the basis for the establishment of the independence wars and eventual independence of the region. During the colonial period, the immigration activity within the region consisted of mainly

Consumer behavior Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Consumer behavior - Article Example The consumers tend to involve themselves in the products and follow up on the progress of the offers. An example of enduring involvement is a motorcycle enthusiast who constantly researches about motorcycles to find the best models. Further, enduring involvement is characterized by substantial interest in activities that boost the enthusiasm. Such activities include going to motor showrooms to check the models in the market. Situational involvement occurs when a consumer is interested in a product for a short time. The situation happens mostly as a result of need or demand for a certain commodity. The consumer may not have information or necessarily be interested in a long term involvement and looks for information to enable him make a purchase decision. For example, a consumer may get involved in smartphones when he or she wants to buy a phone. However, the interest on smartphones fades when the consumer purchase a smartphone of his choice. There are instances where consumers report their interest towards a certain offering or decision. In such instances, the consumer exhibits felt involvement and feels motivated towards making decisions regarding certain offerings. A consumer gets involved in offerings that he or she has had a psychological experience with (Samli 131). Thus, felt involvement arises from a historical perspective of the consumer about a product. For example, a consumer may form a positive opinion about a car that he or she has witnessed winning car races. Cognitive involvement occurs when a consumer is keen on understanding the offers in the market before making a purchase decision. The consumer then compares the information against his goals and makes a wise decision. In essence, cognitive involvement treats information gathering as part of the objectives off the consumer. For example, a consumer interested in a Ford

Thursday, October 17, 2019

E-Portfolio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

E-Portfolio - Assignment Example di Arabia, in 1990 to a medium-sized family made up of my parents, me, three brothers, and one sister.   Throughout my childhood, I was taught the importance of hard work, honesty, and doing a good job.   My siblings all work good jobs, with two working as engineers and two working as professors of Chemistry. However I am the first in my family to leave the country in order to pursue higher education.   I believe this experience of leaving my country has made me a stronger person with a better understanding of the world and my chosen profession.   I had to struggle to learn English at first, although now I do well in it, and assimilating into the culture of another country was also a challenge which taught me a lot about myself and my own culture as well.   As an international student at Pennsylvania State University, I have been exposed to all sorts of courses and have gained a hands-on understanding with a number of topics related to petroleum and natural gas engineering.  Ã‚   If you visit my work samples page, you can see just a few of the best assignments that I have completed during my time here.   As well as courses I have taken, I have done an internship with oil combines in Saudi Arabia.   This experience gave me a good understanding of important industry practice, and has helped me to get skills that will let me be a better engineer.   After I graduate from university, I hope to work in the petroleum and natural gas industry in some way or another.   While I would like to be able to return to my native country and be near my family, I am also excited to explore the world around me.   My ideal job would let me use my knowledge of English and Arabic to share what I have learned at Pennsylvania State University about petroleum and natural gas engineering.   I would be especially interested in working in the oil industry as either a drilling engineer or production engineer.   For the moment, I am keeping my options open and look forward to seeing what

Organized Criminality and Terrorism in France Essay

Organized Criminality and Terrorism in France - Essay Example A â€Å"triangular trade† is progressively developing. It includes contraband of weapons, drugs and other goods. New al-Qaeda units such as Groupe Salafiste pour la Prà ©dication, Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group were formed and they use primarily created European channels to implement triangular trade. This activity is highly developed in France and Spain. At first, their activity was reduced to exchanges and then turned into a direct sale. It was revealed that the money received from drug sale was used to finance the terrorist attacks happened in Spain on May 16, 2003, and March 11, 2004, and in America in September 2001 (Rothe, 2006). Terrorists are also actively involved in contraband of precious stones and metals. In Germany, a travel agency was exposed after it used its activity to contraband gold and silver. The police are concerned with the fact that the channels established by terrorists will be used for contraband of heavy weapons and weapons of mass destruction, especially after the case, when Russian heavy weapon was planned to be solved to al-Qaeda through a man who worked for FBI (Berdal, 2002).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

E-Portfolio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

E-Portfolio - Assignment Example di Arabia, in 1990 to a medium-sized family made up of my parents, me, three brothers, and one sister.   Throughout my childhood, I was taught the importance of hard work, honesty, and doing a good job.   My siblings all work good jobs, with two working as engineers and two working as professors of Chemistry. However I am the first in my family to leave the country in order to pursue higher education.   I believe this experience of leaving my country has made me a stronger person with a better understanding of the world and my chosen profession.   I had to struggle to learn English at first, although now I do well in it, and assimilating into the culture of another country was also a challenge which taught me a lot about myself and my own culture as well.   As an international student at Pennsylvania State University, I have been exposed to all sorts of courses and have gained a hands-on understanding with a number of topics related to petroleum and natural gas engineering.  Ã‚   If you visit my work samples page, you can see just a few of the best assignments that I have completed during my time here.   As well as courses I have taken, I have done an internship with oil combines in Saudi Arabia.   This experience gave me a good understanding of important industry practice, and has helped me to get skills that will let me be a better engineer.   After I graduate from university, I hope to work in the petroleum and natural gas industry in some way or another.   While I would like to be able to return to my native country and be near my family, I am also excited to explore the world around me.   My ideal job would let me use my knowledge of English and Arabic to share what I have learned at Pennsylvania State University about petroleum and natural gas engineering.   I would be especially interested in working in the oil industry as either a drilling engineer or production engineer.   For the moment, I am keeping my options open and look forward to seeing what

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment about two questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

About two questions - Assignment Example s source code integrity must be maintained, there should be no discrimination of any kind to anyone using the software, the software must be distributed with distribution licence, the license must not be tied to a specific product, and finally, the licence must be technology – neutral. Sme of the vailabel open source software include Apache HTTP server, GNOME desktop Environment, GIMP image Editor, Firefox we browser, Android smartphone operating system, MYSQL database, PHP among others. Most of open source software are reliable. The reliability of open source software is due to the fact that all open source software are peer reviewed. This has made open source software to be to be more reliable and robust even in the most stringent conditions. The use of most open source software is safe. Once the initial source code of a particular software has been, the community of open source developers take up the project to review and correct any available bugs. This removes all security holes thus making the software more secure. Also, in cases where a security vulnerability has been identified, it’s quickly fixed by the open source community. Most of the open source software are released free of charge. The only costs that may be incurred include the customization costs and maybe the downloading costs. This makes the acquiring and the use of open source cheaper as compared to closed source software software. The availability of open source software makes it easy for one to evaluate the software. For instance, it can be assessed to determine if it has the expected requirement. For instance, just by evaluating the source code, one is able to determine if the software is secure or it has security holes. Open source software are being faced by overall disadvantage. Most of the open source software are not straightforward to use. Tis attributed to the fact that the developers of the system give less attention in the development of user interface. Nowadays, most

Fun at School Essay Example for Free

Fun at School Essay Is a conspiracy theory defined primarily by its internal narrative characteristics or by its external discursive position? The answer to this quote is because the term â€Å"conspiracy theory† is not a neutral descriptor; it is commonly deployed as a term of disqualification for narratives that may, on their qualities, deserve thought. Further, when attached to a writer or thinker, the label â€Å"conspiracy theorist† can carry a shame similar in kind (if not degree) to that suffered by those designated â€Å"mentally ill. † I dont think that I am paranoid that much because I dont have to believe what other people say about their theories. I see others paranoid though every day. I think some conspiracy theorist could have a bad rap because people do not like what they have to say. For example 9/11 people say terrorist flew into the twin towers. Conspiracy theorist say there where bombs planted throughout the building and that the attack was plotted by our own government. Of course this is going to give these people a bad rap. If our society believes our own government is attacking us and they dont want to believe its true then it falls back on the conspiracy theorist giving him a bad rap. I do agree America is more paranoid then other countries because of the hype of conspiracy theories like sandy hook, 9/11, and all the deaths of famous people like Tupac, and JFK. Other countries may have more problems than us like war and food and water and they need more help than us, so why are we the ones paranoid and they are not. To me this shows America has only a few things to believe and one of those things being conspiracy theories. other countries have to worry about sustaining a life and living when Americans are thinking is Tupac really dead? Is this right for us to think like that? Do we really have problems here in the U.S.?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Evo Morales and the Cocaleros in Bolivia

Impact of Evo Morales and the Cocaleros in Bolivia Elected President on December 18th 2005, Evo Morales’ victory into power was a significant and meaningful event for Bolivia. Not only was he the first President of indigenous Aymara Indian descent, of which a majority (62% according to a 2001 consensus) of the country is populated, but also a leader of the coca-growers union and the Movimento al Socialismo (Movement for Socialism, MAS). After a long and bleak history of colonialism, natural resource exploitation, incomplete revolutions and neoliberal oppression in Bolivia, with a democratic government long occupied by elites who did not represent the interests of a vast majority of the Bolivian population, the victory of Morales heralded the potential for a new era for the poorest country in South America and a radical shift in the country’s history (Webber, 2011; gthomas2219, 2013). Following two landslide electoral victories in 2005 (53% majority vote) and 2009 (64% majority vote) SAM gained a two-thirds majority in Bolivia’s two parliamentary bodies, and with that, arguably the stage was set for a revolutionary change â€Å"ending both the persistent exclusion of the (often poor) indigenous majority of the country, and undoing the neoliberal legacy of the three preceding decades, installing a local brand of socialism† (Salman, 2013: p625). However, soon thereafter critics from the left have begun to argue that the revolutionary promises made by Morales on the campaign trail and his strong socialist rhetoric that fostered the support of left indigenous movements (such as militant coca farmers) that largely contributed to his election victory have been foregone, broken, and replaced by relatively minor reforms (Webber, 2011). In this essay I will explore and assess the main interpretations of the Morales government’s performance since being elected, highlighting the debate around the issue, among scholars and social commentators alike, of the on-going struggle for national and social liberation and analyses of the steps Morales has taken in achieving this. Firstly, it is necessary to briefly examine how Morales came to power and the context within which his eventual presidential campaign was won. In the 1980’s Bolivia underwent radical neoliberal restructuring, â€Å"undertaking market liberalisation at the same time as political democratisation† (Kohl, 2006: p305). The hegemonic neoliberalisation processes in Bolivia at this time resulted in the poor becoming poorer as they were continuously excluded from economic practices, with multinational corporations and elites emerging as the dominant force. The scholarly consensus acknowledges this tendency as a fundamental characteristic of neoliberal restructuring that can be seen empirically across countries that have experienced this also (Kohl, 2006). Coupled with this, when the price of tin (one of the country’s most lucrative export industries) dropped, many Bolivian mines were closed making over 25,000 miners redundant (Howard and Dangl, 2006). Thousands of miners then proceeded to relocate to the coca growing region of Chapare as their only hope of making a living. From there, the miners used their militancy and organisational skills that had been honed by the revolution in 1952 (wherein the mining industry was heavily nationalised and unionised) to influence and help the coca growers who were facing crop eradication as a result of the boom in demand for cocaine and the subsequent war on drugs (Howard and Dangl, 2006; gthomas2219, 2013). The miners began unionising the coca growers, helping them to organise and coordinate in their resistance against the eradication of coca crops and leaves which have long been a fundamental symbol of indigenous Andean culture, and against the US imperialism in the form of neoliberalism they were facing at the time (gthomas2219, 2013). It was this organisation and unionisation that led to Morales becoming a distinguished figure, coupled with his charisma and apparent leadership skills he eventually became the leader of the largest coca growers union. Eventually the coca growers and other social movements developed and organised into a political party (MAS) with Morales at the helm, so they could have their socialist views represented in government. On top of his indigenous Aymara lineage, it has been argued that Morales’ best attribute was his ability to â€Å"galvanise and shape a vast array of indigenous and social protest movements into a unified political project† (gthomas2219, 2013) that has secured the MAS’ success. As a charismatic, likeable and relatable leader, Morales fostered support for his presidency by appealing to the air of discontent among the indigenous majority of the population. He pledged on the campaign trail to enshrine the rights of the indigenous people of Bolivia in a new constitution (ibid), and as the title of the party suggests, make cogent moves towards Socialism. Nevertheless, throughout the now-nine years of his tenure, critics from the harder left current have emerged claiming that Morales and the MAS have not kept the promises that were made on the campaign trail, and have forgone the opportunities for substantial change, settling for moderate reformism over revolution (Web ber, 2011). Of the esteemed critics such as Sven Harten and Luis Tapia, Jeffery Webber takes the most condemning standpoint in his interpretation of the MAS and Morales, insisting that since elected they have deserted their revolutionary gusto and have resolved to implement moderate reforms and preserve the capitalist foundations in Bolivia. He contends that many supporters of the Morales government are disillusioned as to what the MAS actually represent and the apparent contradictions that have emerged. For Webber, who claims to hold a â€Å"responsible perspective, authentically in solidarity with the popular struggles for socialism and indigenous liberation† (Webber, 2011: p2), the period between 2000 and 2005 is described as a â€Å"revolutionary epoch in which mass mobilisation from below and state crisis from above opened up the opportunity for fundamental, transformative structural change to the state and society† (ibid). However, his extensive analysis suggests that the MAS proceeded to discard the potential for revolutionary structural change and instead settle for a modest push beyond neoliberal orthodoxies as ‘moderate reformism’. He bases these assertions on such things as the supposed failures of economic transformations, nationalisations, redistribution policies and attempts at sustainable development and industrialisation (Salman, 2012), citing examples to emphasize that the MAS did not represent the more radical popular rebellion such as the Huanuni mine affair wherein the MAS administration opted to oppose the miners who demanded nationalisation so not to warn off foreign investment, as well as many others (ibid). Ultimately, these things, among many others, could be a result of the inherent contradiction that has led to the meagre attempts at reform, stemming from the institutional context and the shift towards electoral politics (Hines, 2011) which inevitably presents a clash of interests when an administration, supposedly bent on pushing towards socialism, operates within a neoliberal, democratised framework. It is this that Webber claims has played a substantial role in the MAS retaining â€Å"its core faith in the capitalist market as the principle engine of growth and industrialisation† (Webber, 2012: p232) and implementing ‘reconstituted neoliberalism’ having made no real attempt to remove or disassemble the capitalist economic and political basis, and limiting the potential for popular movements and significant social change. Naturally, many other commentators hold opinions along similar lines. As a Bolivian who had once had intimate involvement with key ideological aspects of many currently implemented policies, Luis Tapia offers a political-philosophical reflection of how he believes the Morales administration have again, not delivered what was implied and promised (Salman, 2012). What appears to be a common thread and prevailing sentiment among Morales’ critics is that Bolivia’s prior revolutionary potential was wasted and has now subsided. Esteemed and respectable analyses such as Webber’s warrant appreciative consideration, as most would certainly agree that Bolivia undoubtedly remains a capitalist nation which is exhibiting no considerable maturation into socialism. However, not all share such a pessimistic outlook. Some would argue that Webber and others along similar lines are â€Å"measuring the Bolivian government against an impossible standard, against the ideal program of a hypothetical mass socialist movement† (Riddell, 2011). For some, emphasis and support should instead be placed on the accumulative, tangible achievements of the MAS with moves that have been made towards â€Å"national sovereignty, social progress, and effective action on global warming† (ibid), as opposed to adamant criticism over the lack of implementation of an absolute socialist regime outright. The ‘refounding’ of Bolivia as a plurinational state and rewriting the constitution to enshrine the rights of the indigenous majority who have historically been marginalised against formidable odds are regarded by many as a significant accomplishment in and of itself. Despite the lack of a socialist revolution, some would argue that a â€Å"political revolution† has taken place, in that the MAS coming into power simply represents a sufficiently profound change in the form of substituting political elites and â€Å"shifting the hegemonic balance of forces in Bolivia more to the side of the subaltern classes† (Fidler, 2013). This perspective embodies a much more positive, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ outlook than the harder leftist critics. Many who fall into this category tend to examine Morales’ active policies and actions to reveal the more positive aspects of his regime. For example, cited by Riddell (2011) in response to Webber, Bolivia led the meeting of 50 governments in Cochabamba in 2010, a gathering that was distinctly anti-capitalist, in that it rejected the imperialist-imposed Copenhagen accord that produced no positive results. It promoted the ‘rights of mother earth’ against the effects of climate change, and encouraged action to be taken by ordinary people as opposed to the governments and corporations that have contributed the most to potentially cataclysmic climate change, creatively applying an indigenous perspective to this crisis. Even Webber acknowledges that this was â€Å"a genuine step forward for the construction of international, eco-socialist networks† (Riddell citing Webber, 2011). This (the Cochabamba meeting) in itself is perceived as symbolic of Bolivia and the MAS’ goal for sovereignty (Riddell, 2011), and is but one example of steps taken by Morales and the MAS cited to warn off U.S. imperial intrusion, others include the refusal to accept any more loans from the IMF or World Bank, ending dependency on such institutions; rejecting U.S. drug policy to reinforce the indigenous importance of cultivating coca leaves; and the decision to leave the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA); as Riddell asserts, â€Å"Bolivia’s campaign to free itself from U.S. tutelage and assert national sovereignty is an outstanding achievement, which was spearheaded by the Morales government† (2011). Critics such as Webber would certainly claim that this perspective is naà ¯ve, and that the underlying capitalist roots remain strong which is indicated by the MAS’ policies, yet for others it is the small, tangible wins that have impacted the country in a positive way that really matter, and present hope for the possibility of more substantial change in the future. After all, since his initial election in 2005 Morales and the MAS have won 6 consecutive elections, two of which were presidential, seeing a 10% increase in poll majority; upon doing so Morales became the first leader in the history of Bolivia to secure two consecutive electoral victories and rule democratically and stably for an unrivalled period of 8 years (Petras, 2013). Based on the accounts from the harder left current that criticise Morales for abandoning the pursuit of socialism and settling for moderate reformism in spite of the views of those that encouraged his victory, questions arise as to why Morales is still so popular in Bolivia and how his presidency has been sustained. One author for the Centre for Research on Globalisation, based on his interpretation the MAS’ policies, contends that â€Å"a brief survey of his ideological pronouncements, foreign policy declarations and economic policies highlights a very astute political regime which successfully manipulates radical rhetoric and applies orthodox economic policies with a populist style of politics which insures repeated electoral victories and an unprecedented degree of political stability and continuity† (Petras, 2013). According to him the key to Morales’ success has been his ability to implement orthodox economic policies while building a political and social coalition (ibid). What this implies is that Morales has made just enough of the right political and economic moves to ensure support from both the left and right, yet ultimately uphold the status quo of neoliberal capitalism in Bolivia, utilising his unique position as an indigenous Indian to essentially manipulate his huge base of support with near impeccable execution, making use of the remarkable leaderships skills that allowed him to come to prominence through the coca-growers union. Based on Petras’ analysis, that can be the only explanation as to why the MAS remain in power in what this author ironically calls ‘the most radical conservative regime’. Unfortunately, the more positive outlook in this debate is seemingly scarce, with the negative interpretations coming from far and wide. As for some of the cocaleros themselves, in particular the Federation of Organic Coca Producers of Yundas Vandiola , the impact of the Morales administration has in fact been disproportionate generosity. Despite being promised by the former coca-growing President, support to the coca growing regions has proved to be discordant, with some areas and groups (Chapare in particular) being favoured and experiencing substantial development with others going unnoticed, often the ones who operate outside of the designated traditional regions yet have no other opportunities to make a living. With that, there is surprisingly little being done to help the poorest of the country, most of which continue to live below the poverty line (Oikonomakis, 2014), and as Morales continues to face vehement pressure from the international community to reduce coca cultivation , this issue is likely to worsen. The poor coca growers who have spoken out about this issue serve to substantiate the claims of the critics and cynics who claim that despite the radical rhetoric and illusory agenda, Bolivia remains a neoliberal government like any other, favouring neoliberal economic and political strategies that often don’t consider a large percentage of the poorest people who represent the basis upon which Morales came to power. Unquestionably, changes are happening in Bolivia under the Morales administration, perhaps not on the scale that might have been anticipated by some, but arguably positive changes nonetheless. But is this just part of a strategy to defend the status quo of neoliberalism in Bolivia? Many would contend that it is, as the critical and condemning outcries overshadow the more modest and seemingly naà ¯ve, positive voices. Many of the careful analyses and apparently authentic perspectives claim to see the MAS with Morales at the helm for what it is, a noticeably astute regime that has managed to justify and maintain orthodox neoliberal economic and political practices with radical socialist rhetoric. Or, in fact, the apparent majority of social commentators and scholars could be wrong and Morales could be biding his time, securing substantial economic development until the country is ripe for a socialist revolution, at which point he will initiate it. Theories like this certainly do exist , but only time will tell whether they are accurate or an idealistic miscalculation. Bibliography Fidler, R. (2013). Bolivia: Why is Evo Morales still so popular?. [online] Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Fuentes, F. (2012). BOLIVIA: The Morales government: neoliberalism in disguise?. [online] Global Research. Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Gelder, S. (2010). Climate Game Changer. [online] Yes Megazine. Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. gthomas2219, (2013). The Cocaleros and the rise of Evo Morales. [online] Aletho News. Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Hines, S. (2011). Bolivia Under Evo Morales. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Howard, A. and Dangl, B. (2006). Tin War in Bolivia: Conflict Between Miners Leaves 17 Dead. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Kohl, B. (2006). Challenges to neoliberal hegemony in Bolivia. Antipode, 38(2), pp.304326. Oikonomakis, L. (2014). Bolivian cocaleros on Morales: â€Å"what a monster we created!†. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Petras, J. (2013). The Most Radical Conservative Regime: Bolivia under Evo Morales. [online] Global Research. Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Riddell, J. (2011). Progress in Bolivia: A reply to Jeff Webber. [online] John Riddell. Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Salman, T. (2013). Book Review: From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia. Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation and the Politics of Evo Morales – By Jeffery R. Webber. Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(4), pp.625-627. Salman, T. (2013). The MAS Six Years in Power in Bolivia. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, (92), pp.8998. Webber, J. (2010). From rebellion to reform: Image and reality in the Bolivia of Evo Morales. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 May. 2014]. Webber, J. (2011). From rebellion to reform in Bolivia. 1st ed. Chicago, Ill.: Haymarket Books.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ritas Change and her Relationship with Frank Essay -- Educating Rita

Rita's Change and her Relationship with Frank How does Rita’s character change and her relationship with Frank alter during the course of the play? â€Å"Educating Rita† is the story of a married working-class woman, Rita, trying to better and discover herself by attending an open university course. The play follows her as her character and relationship with her tutor, Frank develop and change until she finally passes her exams and they part. Rita completely transforms herself through her education and by the end she can choose what to do next rather then being swept along by circumstances and everyone else’s expectations. Rita says that she only wants a baby when she’s got choice and by educating herself she is getting choices. Willy Russell writes that â€Å"education gives you a choice† and I think by this he means lots of different types of choice. Firstly it gives you choices on careers and your future jobs, you have a lot more options with education, education helps you see different views and different ways of thinking and teaches you about different choices. You can choose whether or not to accept them. If you are educated on a subject you won’t feel ignorant and you can choose if you want to express your views or not, instead of keeping quiet because you don’t know. In educating Rita there are lots of examples of Rita becoming more able to choose to express her views because she has been educated. When she encounters a group of students on the lawn in Act 2 scene 2, a student starts talking â€Å"rubbish† and Rita makes a choice to correct him. She tells Frank that she thought â€Å"I could keep walkin’ and ignore it or I can put him straight. So I put him straight†, the uneducated Rita wouldn’t have had th... ... me mother’s, I might even have a baby. I dunno, I’ll make a decision, I’ll choose.† This shows how Rita is at a point where she can choose what to do next, she is confident and although she admits the exam might have been â€Å"worthless† it still gives her a choice. Her education has given her the chance to take control of her own life. I think Willy Russell clearly shows how education can change people and how others around them react to the changes, that’s one of the main themes of the play. Willy Russell grew up in a place where he wasn’t expected to learn or be anything more then a factory worker and he saved up money and took a course to help him become a writer. I think that Willy’s attitude to education comes through in the events and situations Rita’s faced with, sure education gives you choices: but you have to make sure you make the right ones! Rita's Change and her Relationship with Frank Essay -- Educating Rita Rita's Change and her Relationship with Frank How does Rita’s character change and her relationship with Frank alter during the course of the play? â€Å"Educating Rita† is the story of a married working-class woman, Rita, trying to better and discover herself by attending an open university course. The play follows her as her character and relationship with her tutor, Frank develop and change until she finally passes her exams and they part. Rita completely transforms herself through her education and by the end she can choose what to do next rather then being swept along by circumstances and everyone else’s expectations. Rita says that she only wants a baby when she’s got choice and by educating herself she is getting choices. Willy Russell writes that â€Å"education gives you a choice† and I think by this he means lots of different types of choice. Firstly it gives you choices on careers and your future jobs, you have a lot more options with education, education helps you see different views and different ways of thinking and teaches you about different choices. You can choose whether or not to accept them. If you are educated on a subject you won’t feel ignorant and you can choose if you want to express your views or not, instead of keeping quiet because you don’t know. In educating Rita there are lots of examples of Rita becoming more able to choose to express her views because she has been educated. When she encounters a group of students on the lawn in Act 2 scene 2, a student starts talking â€Å"rubbish† and Rita makes a choice to correct him. She tells Frank that she thought â€Å"I could keep walkin’ and ignore it or I can put him straight. So I put him straight†, the uneducated Rita wouldn’t have had th... ... me mother’s, I might even have a baby. I dunno, I’ll make a decision, I’ll choose.† This shows how Rita is at a point where she can choose what to do next, she is confident and although she admits the exam might have been â€Å"worthless† it still gives her a choice. Her education has given her the chance to take control of her own life. I think Willy Russell clearly shows how education can change people and how others around them react to the changes, that’s one of the main themes of the play. Willy Russell grew up in a place where he wasn’t expected to learn or be anything more then a factory worker and he saved up money and took a course to help him become a writer. I think that Willy’s attitude to education comes through in the events and situations Rita’s faced with, sure education gives you choices: but you have to make sure you make the right ones!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How Act 2, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet May Have Been Staged Essay

Open in London in 1599, William Shakespeare’s Globe theatre grew to be recognized as the most popular playhouse in the region and home to some of the greatest players in England. The King’s Men, previously the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, were a playing company for whom Shakespeare was a member of for most of his career. They frequently performed in the Globe and staged many of Shakespeare’s works. Nevertheless, the lack of stagecraft information provided from these XVI century texts has made it hard to interpret how Shakespeare originally intended his plays to be performed in the Globe. In particular, the famous tragedy of Romeo and Juliet suggests that there are many alternative staging options for each scene. However, from a close reading of the play-text as a manual for performance, it is possible to describe how the play may have been staged, specifically in Act 2, Scene 1, by analysing elements such as the acting measures, the costume d esign and the stage setting. To commence, in the Elizabethan and Jacobean period, there were many important rules in regards to acting that players had to consider when performing in the Globe theatre. When Shakespeare wrote his plays, he included as many female characters as he did male characters. Nonetheless, the traditions and values of the Renaissance did not allow women to act or become actors, due to the fact that it was considered immoral for a woman to be on stage. At the time, they had no social status other than their association with their husbands or fathers. Moreover, actors were considered to have a low social status, thus it was considered improper and socially unacceptable for a woman to become a performer. Instead of editing all of Shakespeare’s texts to adher... ...e theatre’s unique structure. Works Cited Adams Novak, Elaine. Staging Shakespearean Theatre. Cincinnati: Betterway Books, 2000. Print. Hodges, C. Walters. The Globe Restored: A Study of the Elizabethan Theatre. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. Print. Leed, Drea. â€Å"Elizabethan Make-up.† Elizabethan Costuming Page. 2010. Web. 10 December 2013. Smith, Irwin. Shakespeare’s Globe Playhouse. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1956. Print. Staging Shakespeare. Seminars on Production Problems. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1990. Print. The Arden Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s Theatres and the Effects of Performance. London: Arden Shakespeare, 2013. Print. The Oxford Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2000. Print. The Signet Classic Shakespeare. Hamlet. New York: New American Library, 1998. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Balsara Used to Its Advantage

Explain the environmental factors which Balsara used to its advantage. BALSARA USED TO ITS ADVANTAGE IN INDIA. – with clove oil (which has been traditionally regarded in India as an effective deterrent to tooth decay and tooth ache) as a unique selling proposition IN MALAYSIA – There was good response to Miswak also in the Muslim dominated Malaysia. Its promotion highlighted the fact that miswak (Latin Name : Salvadora Persica) was a plant that had been used for centuries by as a tooth cleaning twig. It had reference in Koran. Quoting from Faizal-E-Miswak, it was pointed out that prophet Mohammed used â€Å"miswak before sleeping at night and after awakening. ’’ The religious appeal in the promotion was reinforced by the findings of scientists all over the world, including Arabic ones, of the antibacterial property of clove and its ability to prevent tooth decay and gums. IN USA – Market intelligence revealed that there was a growing preference in the advanced counties for nature based products. Balsara tied up with Auromere Imports Inc. (AAII), Los Angeles. An agency established by American followers of Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher saint. Eight months of intensive R & D enabled Balsara to develop a tooth paste containing 24 herbal ingredients that would satisfy the required parameter. Auromere was voted as the No. 1 toothpaste in North Eastern USA ————— The product line was extended by introducing several variants of Auromere. A saccharine free toothpaste was introduced. It was found that mint and menthol were taboo for users of homoeopathic medicines. So a product free of such mints was developed. Auromere Fresh Mint for the young and Auromere Cina Mint containing a combination of cinnamon and peppermint were also introduced BALSARA EXPLOITED THESE SENTIMENTS. In the case of Balsara: there was increased demand for products which were herbal, organic etc from the customers. The marketing mix was designed to take advantage of the same whereby it included natural and herbal products and private label brands to customers who were willing to pay for the same.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pride in Beowulf, Paradise Lost and Gulliver’s Travels Essay

The theme of pride has been treated in various literary texts – from the Old Testament to current literature. The scripture says: â€Å"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. † (Proverbs. 16:18) Pride has various consequences in varied circumstances. Religion views it as a sin, but pride is also used as a sentiment of honor associated with one’s family, nation, or profession which we glorify. In a sense pride is a kind of overstretched or excessive confidence in one’s power. It is necessary to a certain degree for the preservation of one’s dignity, but beyond that limit it is bad like excessive eating and drinking. Moreover, sometimes people are accused of pride even when its merits shine brighter than modesty. Oxford English Dictionary (online) defines pride as: â€Å"A high, esp. an excessively high, opinion of one’s own worth or importance which gives rise to a feeling or attitude of superiority over others; inordinate self-esteem. † In Beowulf king Hrothgar warns Beowulf against pride after his thumping victory over Grendel. In Gulliver’s Travels it is pride that leads to war as well as peace, in Paradise Lost Satan’s pride leads to his fall from heaven to hell, yet he continues his battle with pride and zeal. There are many proud moments in Beowulf’s life. The hero gains victory against colossal monsters thrice: first in his unarmed battle against Grendel, then with his chosen comrades against Grendel’s mother with some divine help, and finally his killing of the fire-breathing flying dragon in old age when he is mortally wounded and dies a hero’s death. But Beowulf’s innate humility is never affected by his outstanding success and even the offer of the crown and people’s adoration. As Hrothgar gives him a hero’s welcome and praises God for helping him with the gold hilt sword, â€Å"Take your place, then, with pride and pleasure,/ and move to the feast. † (ll. 1882-83) and then he examines the mighty gold hilt offered by Beowulf. He delivers a sermon on pride: â€Å" O flower of warriors, beware of that trap/†¦Do not give way to pride. / For a brief while your strength is in bloom/ but it fades quickly;† (ll. 759-1763). He talks wisely about the transience of human youth and power and cites his own example of ignoring the shape of things to come: â€Å"hard reversal from bliss to grief. Grendel struck/after lying in wait†. (ll. 174-76) So the word pride has been used in both good and bad senses. In Gulliver’s Travels pride has another dimension. OED also define pride as: â€Å"A consciousness of what befits, is due to, or is worthy of oneself or one’s position; self-respect; self-esteem, esp. of a legitimate or healthy kind or degree. Though of pigmy size the Lilliputians are highly efficient people proud of their skill. They feed, cloth and manage the Mountain man effectively and even with his help avoid a war with the Blefuscu. Only in Lilliput Gulliver is amazed to find the emperor and his administration strictly honors the rule of reward and punishment. In Brobdingnag Gulliver meets giants who are so honorable and civilized that they shudder at the mention of war and ammunitions. The imaginary lands and peoples provide Swift an opportunity of launching a scathing attack on the pride of English way of life. In spite of great intellectual powers, his pride turns out to be vanity. His overriding ambition to become a great literary man stood in the way of marriage to either â€Å"Stella† or â€Å"Vanessa†, and a man who hated children created a classic of children’s literature. His own obituary reveals the proud author and his works: â€Å"The body of Jonathan Swift, Doctor of Divinity, is buried here, where fierce indignation can tear his heart no more. Go traveler and imitate, if you can, one who strove with utmost to champion human liberty. In Milton’s Paradise Lost Satan defies the Almighty God and his angels to wage a war and seize power in heaven. Though he is hurled into hell as punishment, he provides leadership to his demoralized followers and with Beelzebub’s help holds a conference to wage â€Å"eternal war† against God. Like a proud leader with strategic insight he converts this defeat as a springboard for the next battle and accordingly inspires his followers with a thunderous call: â€Å"What though the field be lost? All is not lost: the unconquerable will,/ And study of revenge, immortal hate,†(ll. 105-07) He instills a confidence in his comrades that victory and defeat are in the hands of the fighters. So his clarion call to his army is addressed to boost their morale and shake off their depression: â€Å"Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen! †. (l. 330) The uncompromising nature of Satan is revealed in his speech: â€Å"our better part remains/ to work in close design, by fraud or guile,† (Bk. I. ll. 645-46) and his continual emphasis on victory: â€Å"For who can think submission? War then, war/ open or understood must be resolved. † (ll. 661-62) The opposition leader often resorts to disparaging remarks and undermining the image of his rival as Satan debunks God, â€Å"Who now triumphs, and in excess of joy/ sole reigning holds the tyranny of heaven. † (ll. 123-24) Satan shows the right mindset of a winner who would not accept anything short of victory as he speaks candidly about it: â€Å"To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:/ Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. (Bk. I. ll. 262-63) Satan represents the freedom-loving individualist who also demonstrates great pragmatic sense by adapting himself to the harsh realities of Hell and consoles himself with his psychological insight: â€Å"The mind is its own place, and in itself/ Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. † (Bk. I. ll. 254-255) From Beowulf, Gulliver’s Travels to Paradise Lost pride has evolved from good to bad and the worst; it has also passed through religious as well as secular ramifications.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Vulnerabilities of Organizational Networks and Internets Coursework

Vulnerabilities of Organizational Networks and Internets - Coursework Example This paper analyses and studies the various security weaknesses which hampers the organization’s information system. A brief study of the technical and non technical measures and methods are listed which would ensure that the company or the organization is protected from any unauthorized access to their system. Definition and Impact of Vulnerability on an organization The Organization of Internet Safety defines security vulnerability as â€Å"security vulnerability is a flaw within a software system that can cause it to work contrary to is documented design and could be exploited to cause the system to violate its documented security policy† (Telang and Wattal, 2005, p2). Vulnerability is security weakness in the software or the hardware on a system or a server that can be attacked or gained access to, by an intruder. The weakness or the loophole can be physical, technical or network related (Kizza, 2007). In today’s tough and competitive marketplace, it is imper ative for all the organizations to have strong measures against all anticipated vulnerabilities. Companies stand a risk to lose time, money and may hamper its future growth, if the concept of vulnerability management is not adhered to and practiced. For example, a security defect in any software may cause loss of millions of dollars in terms of downtime, integrity issues and interrupting the growth of the organization (Brackin, 2003). Vulnerabilities of Organizational Networks There are various sources of system vulnerabilities. Poor design flow, improper use of the firewall, the nature of intruder activity, improper security management, no restriction in the usage of internet, improper implementation of the security appliances are some of the major causes of IT vulnerability. In an organization, the two major components of a computer system, hardware and software are quite vulnerable (Kizza, 2007). An organization uses the computers for almost each and every sphere of activity. Thi s enables the companies to have the ability to use and practice internet in their day to day operations. The most common cyber security vulnerability IT mangers are facing in terms of their software design flows. Software are more prone to security losses for their less complexity, involvement of the human factors, lack of security equipments while testing and implementing the software programs. The software professionals often have a rush to finish the product. There are some attention failures possible on the part of the professionals, for example, if they forget to add some security verification questions, it becomes accessible to many unauthorized ones. A software program may have many possible outcomes. It is important to choose the best fit and the correct to be used. There might be some malice professionals in the company. Many viruses, bugs are downloaded in software and then are circulated and transferred from one computer to another. Some security software are difficult to locate and used. The software product needs to be thoroughly tested under all possible circumstances as no software product can fit in all environments. In almost all the organizations, Local area networks (LANs) is being used and implemented in meeting data processing and to work in tandem with other companies in the global

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Discussion Questions VI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Questions VI - Essay Example Market segmentation is a division of the population of consumers into identifiable segments. So within each segment are people with shared characteristics. This makes it easier to identify their needs and wants and identify market opportunities, as the purpose of a segmentation system is to target consumers better. This can affect the product, price, promotion and place in the marketing strategy. One of the determinants of the effectiveness of such an approach is the homogeneity of the segment in terms of consumer behavior. â€Å"The process by which managers make decisions about segmentation in the international consumer market† (Craft, 2004) is therefore an important part of the strategy of segmentation. Segmentation can be made along geographic, demographic, economic, technological or cultural lines. Multinational and global market challenges in any segment must be faced with strategic planning considerations. We shall discuss these in relation to segmentation based on cultural differences and analyze product branding, advertising and promotion for different cultural segments with rationale and examples. A segmentation system based on culture divides consumers according to their customs and traditions, language, beliefs, values, religion, and so on. Subcultures can also be a consideration for further precise segmentation. These aims affect strategic planning considerations involving â€Å"market demographics, sales channels, operational implementation, and adaptable approaches to niche markets currently being served or targeted.† (Bauman, 2002) Planning enables the decision makers to see greater opportunities arising out of the non-traditional core markets. It also makes them evaluate their core competencies, skill sets, product development, competitive advantages, and so on. This then also has implications â€Å"for functional tasks such as the sales planning and advertising† (Dix, 2002) and product branding. Product branding in China presents a

Crimes of the Heart: A Case Study on Cardiac Anatomy Essay

Tiffany is stressed over her infant child. Since the time she brought Caleb home from the medical clinic it has been so difficult to get him...